Asbestos Abatement
Certainty Environmental, LLC can safely remove and dispose of the identified asbestos in your buildings, using its team of experienced and licensed tradesmen and state of the art equipment. Asbestos can be lodged anywhere from your flooring to roofing. Demolition, repair or improper attempts to remove asbestos can consequently release these fibers into the air, where they pose the highest health risk. Exposure to airborne asbestos fibers may cause asbestosis, mesothelioma, or lung cancer. Contact Certainty Environmental, LLC today to discuss asbestos abatement and/or safe selective demolition.
Why Was Asbestos Used?
Asbestos is a natural occurring material that comes from the ground and is mined from certain rock formations. Asbestos was considered a wonder material in its day because it provided thermal insulating capability, fire resistance, chemical resistance, mechanical strength, friction and wear characteristics, acoustical properties, and was virtually indestructible, and inexpensive. Because of its wondrous properties, it was used in 3,600 products since the early 1900’s. Unfortunately, its latent hazards were unknown.
If your building was built before 1989 it may contain asbestos.
How to Detect Asbestos
Asbestos fibers in the air are not visible to the naked eye and there is no odor, irritation or other visible signs of exposure. Therefore, asbestos can only be detected by laboratory analysis.
How to Remove Asbestos
Asbestos must be removed by a professional licensed abatement contractor. It must be packed in hazardous material approved containers, then disposed of in a separate waste stream by a hazardous material hauler licensed to dispose of asbestos. Certainty Environmental will handle the whole asbestos abatement process and provide the property owner with paperwork that documents the chain of title to the ultimate land fill.
Major building uses where asbestos can be found include:
Asbestos in Boiler Rooms
Boiler components often contain asbestos. This includes block insulation around boiler bases, cement powder, insulation, sealants, fillers, pipe wraps, and more.
Asbestos in Boiler Systems
Boiler systems often contain asbestos, since every part of a boiler system requires heat control.
Asbestos Floor Tiles
Asbestos floor tiles are found in just about every older school, municipal building, police department, commercial building, etc.
Cement Products and Transite Pipe:
- Siding
- Tiles
- Insulating board
- Rainwater drains
- Gutters
- Pressure piping including water mains
Thermal Insulation:
- Boiler rooms
- Other mechanical rooms
- Steam tunnels
- Steam boilers and lines
- Pipes and HVAC ducts throughout leading to:
- Radiators
- Registers
- Fixtures
- Exhaust fire boxes
- Power plants generating high pressure steam
- Mastic
- Floor tiles
Fireproofing and Structural uses in Condensation Control:
- Spray on surfacing on steel beams and decking
- Applied to steel and concrete to minimize condensation
- Surfacing on ceilings and sometimes walls
- Flashing
- Built-up roof
- Felts
- Tar